
Main Aims

To honour the People of Malta and those who fought on their behalf by reuniting Members in a unique bond of friendship by facilitating the exchange of memories and holding social activities such as meetings and Reunions.

Management & Administration

The Association is vested in a Council elected at AGM's organised as follows:

The President (ex officio)

Chairman of the Association & Council

Honorary National Secretary

Honorary National Treasurer

Past Presidents (ex officio)

Two elected members nominated by the branches, comprising: two (2) from the UK Branch and two (2) from the Malta GC branch.

The membership is split into two branches United Kingdom and Malta GC - although membership is not exclusively restricted to a single branch or to the geographical area in which a person resides.

Members elect Branch Committees who are responsible for the branch membership, including the collection of subscriptions.  Each branch runs its social activities and finances autonomously.

Organisation of Membership

Membership is open to all British, Maltese, Commonweath and Allied Services, Merchant Navy, Nursing & Civil Defence personnel who took part in operations in the defence of Malta during the Siege of 1940 to 1943.

It is also open to anyone who served in Malta at any time and to the families and heirs of anyone who served. We extend membership to anyone who has an interest in the history of Malta particularly during WWII

The George Cross Island Association operates under a democratically agreed Constitution which is available to all members.

You can indicate on the form which branch you wish to join - or both


This branch also includes all the Maltese Islands

United Kingdom

The branch runs its local social and committee meetings from the British Legion club in Ferndown, Dorset.  The British Legion are a loyal and dedicated supporter of the GCIA and offer part of their web site for the United Kingdom branch.  Their website can be accessed at -

Currently the annual subscription is 8.50 pounds. The subscription runs from July 1st to June 30th and there are no partial year fees. Anyone joining in the months of April/May/June of any one year will have their membership carried forward into the following year, thereby giving them 15 months membership. All other months will be renewable on the 1st July.
