All Hallows Service - 2023

At last we were able to hold the ceremony that we had always held annually at All Hallows by the Tower, but covid and rail strikes has prevented this from occurring over the last 3 years.  So this year we went ahead and I am so pleased that we did, especially as, last year due to the rail strike, we were not able to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Award of the George Cross to the People of Malta.  The response, especially from Standard Bearers, was wonderfully uplifting.  We were especially delighted to welcome, Malta Branch Chairman Mr Peter Robison MBE and also Malta branch member Francesco Catania – wonderful to have representation from our esteemed Malta branch.

The church service was conducted by Curate Rev Jen Midgley-Adam, accompanied by Fr. Victor J. Camilleri OFM. Our honoured guest was Stuart Gill, OBE, former British High Commissioner in Malta.

Whilst the opening hymn was played by organist, David Cook, the parade of 13 Standards, marched proudly down the aisle, preceded by our National Chairman, Ray Wrigglesworth, who carried in the Book of Rolls which was presented to Fr.Victor and the National Standard, carried by GCIA Standard Bearer, Edward Barkway, was presented to Rev Midgley-Adam and laid on the altar.

Rev Midgley-Adam opened the service with prayers which was followed by a Welcome Address by our National Chairman, Ray Wrigglesworth.  Michael Gaw then said the GCIA prayer. The reading was Isaiah 41, Verses 1-6 and read by your National Secretary.  Stuart Gill then gave a very informative and moving Address in which he read an account of Empire Hope, one of the convoy merchant vessels, sunk by enemy action on 12th August, 1942. The service continued with prayers from Rev Midgley-Adam and two further hymns.  During the retiring hymn, the Book of Rolls was returned to the Chairman and the GCIA Standard was returned to our Standard Bearer, Edward Barkway who led the Parade outside and where the Parade Marshall readied a Guard of Honour at the Church door.

The ceremony outside beside the George Cross Island London Memorial, was conducted by Fr. Camilleri and Curate Rev Jen Midgley-Adam. Fr. Camilleri said the opening prayer with Rev Midgley-Adam giving the Blessing and the Act of Remembrance.  The Exhortation was said by the Chairman and in Maltese by Fr. Cammilleri.  Our GCIA member, Terry Hissey, played the Last Post on his bugle whilst the Standards dipped, then, following one minutes silence, Terry played the Reveille as the Standards were raised.  The Chairman followed this by saying the Kohima Epitaph. The wreath laying ceremony then took place, with Lindsay Thacker reading out the names of the wreath layers – Ray Wrigglesworth for the George Cross Island Association, Stuart Gill for the People of Malta, Peter Robinson for the Malta Branch of the GCIA, Pat Scott for the Royal Navy in memory of her father Frank Thompson, former National Chairman, Michael Gaw for the Royal Air Force, Col David Vassallo for the Army and Tony Downey for the Merchant Navy Association.  The wreath layers were accompanied by Janet Barkway. Unfortunately we did not have a PA system available this year but, in fine voice, Fr. Camilleri led the singing of the Maltese National Anthem with all our Maltese friends joining in and singing at the top of their voices, and then we all sang the British National Anthem, remembering to say God save the King, and not Queen – a first time for some of the congregation.  The Chairman and Malta Branch Chairman, Peter Robinson accompanied by Parade Marshall John Bowers, inspected the Standards after which the Chairman gave a closing address and the Standard Bearers were dismissed.

Once again, the wonderful London Cabbies took each and every one of us back to the Union Jack Club where we enjoyed a lovely 3-course lunch combined with convivial company.  We made a collection of just over £313 for the Taxi Charity For Military Veterans and we give our grateful thanks to Paul Davies and Derek Leone for organising the taxis.

We really did have a wonderful day, thanks to all the support we had from the clergy and staff at All Hallows by the Tower, The British Legion, The Merchant Navy, The Royal Navy Association, our Committee members and of course from all the members of the GCIA who came to support us.  We thank representatives of the Merchant Navy Association and the Malta Culture Movement and a very special thank you to all the Standard Bearers from the RBL, Merchant Navy and RAF.  We must also thank John Bowers for his role of Parade Marshall, his wife, Lesley for her role as official photographer, and of course the pitch perfect bugle accomplishment from Terry Hissey.  I do hope that I haven’t missed anyone from my list of thank yous.  It is a credit to everyone who attended that we had such a wonderfully successful day.