Upcoming Events

On June 13th 2025 we will be holding a ceremony at the George Cross Island Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum.  A VIP will be attending this year's ceremony.  More details will be updated as they become available.  For details email  info@georgecrossisland.org.uk

All Hallows by The Tower Commemorative Service

This year’s ceremony will be held on the 16th August.  

The service will commence at 11am, the congregation should be seated by 10:50 and all are welcome to the service which is held every year to  commemorate the award of the George Cross to the people of Malta for their bravery during World War II, and also to honour those who lost their lives during the Santa Maria Convoy.

Lunch will follow after the wreath laying and details will be updated as they become available. 

Please contact :


for full details and a booking form.

The George Cross Island Association AGM - 2025

This year’s AGMs will take place once again at the Maritime Club Hotel, Portsmouth on the 19th and 20th of September.  The hotel is extremely busy at all times, but I have asked them to hold a few rooms for us.  If you are going to attend, please do book very soon – you will not have to pay until arrival.  Ensure you state that you are part of the George Cross Island Group booking reference is GA 000804. 

Please do try and attend – we really do value your support.

On Friday 19th September we wo;; enjoy an informal dinner in the hotel restaurant.  The Association and Branch AGMs will take place on Saturday 19th September at 10:30 

Saturday night being our formal dinner, raffle, etc.  The cost and menu will be updated nearer the time.  The Association will fund a complementary pre-dinner drink and a port for the King’s toast.

On Sunday morning we will gather at the War Memorial on Southsea common for wreath laying.

For details email  info@georgecrossisland.org.uk